The explanation for all the configuration available for InviteManager.
See Variables for variables you can use to customize your messages.
Info - The old way to setup all welcomer messages (/welcome text, ...
) is no longer supported, the new version is easier to configure (/welcome gui, ...
/welcome gui
Configurate welcome text.
/leave gui
Configurate leave text.
/joindm gui
Configurate joindm text.
/welcome channel <@channel>
Configurate a channel for welcome message.
/leave channel <@channel>
Configurate a channel for leave message.
/welcome on/off
Disable or enable the welcome message on your server.
/leave on/off
Disable or enable the leave message on your server.
/joindm on/off
Disable or enable the joindm message on your server.
See how your welcomer looks like with the welcomer test commands.
/welcome test
This command will send a preview of the welcome message.
/leave test
This command will send a preview of the leave message.
/joindm test
This command will send a preview of the joindm message.
Set up an autorole, all new users that join in your server will receive it.
/autorole list
List all the autoroles configured on your server.
/autorole add <@role>
Set up a new autorole on your server, all new users that join your server will receive this role.
/autorole remove <@role>
Remove an autorole configured on your server.
/autorole reset
Remove all autoroles configured on your server.
Set up a reward role per amount of message.
/rank list
List all the reward roles configured on your server.
/rank add <@role> <messages_need>
Set up a new reward role, all users that reach the required amount of messages will receive the role.
/rank remove
Remove a reward role configured on your server.
Set up a blacklist, all users that are on the blacklist will not be counted as invites.
/blacklist add <@member>
Add a user to your server's blacklist.
/blacklist remove <@member>
Remove a user from your server's blacklist.
/blacklist list
List all the users that are on your server's blacklist.
/blacklist reset
Reset your server's blacklist.
Protect your server from bot raids with the InviteManager verification system.
The Invite Manager verification system forces new users who join in your server to do a verification.
/verification disabled
Disable the verification system on your server.
/verification level <level>
Select the verification level (Button
or Captcha
/verification action action>
Select the action (Ignore
, Kick
or Ban
) that will be done to users that dont make the verification correctly.
/verification channel <#channel>
Select a channel where the verification message will be sent if the member has their DMs closed.
/verification timeout <timeout>
Select timeout in seconds for the verification.
Set up logging system with InviteManager on your server.
Defines a channel where all logs will go.
List all logs enabled on your server.
Logs types
🏆 Message Ranks Logs
🎉 Giveaways Logs
🕵️ Fake Invites Logs
🔔 Alert Invite Logs
🔒 Verification Logs
This category was moved to another page.
Last updated